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I am interested, What is the process?

  1. Use the reservation link to book a consultation with a Green Prism associate.

  2. On the same page, you can upload details about your property (or email us at, including

    1. The address,​

    2. 12 months of electricity bills, and 

    3. Property valuation (if available) 

  3. On our first phone call, our team will review the information you provided to make sure it is complete. We will also ask you a few questions about your property to confirm your eligibility. The whole process should take about 15 minutes, and you can see our real-time availability when making the appointment. ​

  4. If everything looks good, we will email you a personalized link to make a fully refundable reservation deposit of $5,000 USD. 

  5. Upon receipt of the reservation deposit, our team will prepare a proposal customized according to the layout of your parking lot, electricity usage, and financing goals. 

  6. We will send you the proposal and schedule a 45-minute meeting to review it together. 

  7. After seeing the proposal, we will take your consent to prepare different financing options for you. To cover the costs of working with different lenders, we will en-cash half the deposit ($2,500 USD). 

  8. Once financing is secured, you will 

    1. Sign a contract with Green Prism, ​

    2. Make your down-payment according to your financing plan (the $5,000 USD reservation deposit will be applied to your project down-payment), and 

    3. A purchase order will be placed for the equipment. 

  9. Our team will work with your lender, utility, and local municipality for all approvals and permits (this can take a couple months). ​

  10. After receiving all permissions, our engineering team will contact you to schedule your installation appointment (1 week timeframe). Our team will ensure that our installation does not interrupt your business and that you can continue to operate while we are on site. 


How do you calculate savings? 

We use proprietary data from NASA satellites that can predict your power generation for the next 30 years within 1-2% accuracy. Coupled with 1 year of historical data from your previous bills, we can project your energy savings tailored to your specific usage patterns. You can expect an estimated 40-70% savings on electricity costs over the lifetime of your system.


How secure is my investment? 

Green Prism only uses Tier 1 suppliers, which all include industry standard warranties. Your current building insurance may also have an additional rider you can add. 

  • System lifespan: 30 years 

  • System warranty: 16 years

  • Module warranty: 12 years 

  • Inverter warranty: 5 years 

How long does it take to build; will it interrupt my business? 

Through our construction partner, Deployed Solutions, we bring Canadian engineering excellence to ensure fast build times. Each project is different, as we need to consider your local regulations, but after all approvals are in place and the equipment has arrived on site, we can install the system in under 1 week! 


So how am I saving money on my monthly bill? 

Your utility company conducts a similar process to the one you are considering now. They also find developers and construction partners to help generate power. By going solar with Green Prism, you avoid paying them a mark-up. 


How does this affect my property? 

Incorporating solar power into your building can dramatically increase the economic value of your property! Renewable energy systems are known to increase resale value by an estimated $20,000 for every $1,000 in annual electricity savings. In some states, solar power systems are also exempt from sales tax and property tax increases. 


Can I obtain financing? I hear there are tax benefits to help defray costs; what are they?  

Our team will work with you to present you various financing options. Typically, you will be expected to make a downpayment equal to 5-20% of the project cost. Additionally, the IRS also allows for additional benefits you may be able to claim on your taxes. These include the Solar Investment Tax Credit (tax credits equal to 30% of the project cost as a dollar-for-dollar deduction on your taxes) and 100% Bonus Depreciation. The Green Prism team will guide you through the financing process and prepare a full summary for your CPA. 


Can going solar help with LEED certification? 

Yes, onsite installations can contribute up to 7 possible LEED points, specifically in the "Energy & Atmosphere" category.


I don’t know much about running a solar installation; what is involved? 

Looking after a solar installation is easy and safe. Green Prism will train your maintenance staff on how to properly look after the panels. Our monitoring software will alert you if there are any issues. We include installer warranty and different operations and maintenance packages so you can be sure to have support throughout the lifespan of the project.


If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at

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